Nokia is a Finnish communications and information technology company, stretching out across the globe, which focuses on huge telecommunications infrastructures, technology development, technology licensing, online mapping services, and was once also a major factor in the mobile telephone industry.
5 Wayside Road
781) 221-7468
Via I-93 N, this business is 19.4 miles from Boston Logan Airport, so it may take 25 minutes with no traffic, and possibly 55 minutes with traffic. Via US-3 N/Cambridge St, it is 15.5 miles from the airport, so it will take 31 minutes without traffic, and up to 47 minutes with it.
Our rates are as follows:
With a Black Sedan, the rate is $79.00 from Boston Logan Airport (up to 3pp and 3Lg).
With a SUV, the rate is $149.00 from the airport. (up to 6pp and 8Lg)
Early morning fees apply between 12 AM and 4 AM.
Wayside Commons, 4 Wayside Road, Burlington, MA 01803
Phone: (781) 505-1303
Wayside Commons, 10 Wayside Rd, Burlington, MA 01803
Phone: (781) 505-4130
2 Van de Graaff Drive, Burlington, MA 01803
Hilton Garden Inn Boston-Burlington
5 Wheeler Rd, Burlington, MA 01803
We are your Preferred Limo and Car Service alternative at the Boston Logan International Airport. With more than twenty years of experience in the Car Service industry we are sure to provide you with a service that will either meet or exceed your expectations.
Download a pdf version of the Nokia Inc Car Service from Logan webpage here.
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