Hancock-Clarke House (circa 1698)

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Project Description

Home of the Hancocks and the Clarkes, this house was the destination of Paul Revere on the night of April 18, 1775, as he and William Dawes rode from Boston to warn the sleeping Samuel Adams and John Hancock (first signer of the Declaration of independence) of the coming of British troops. The house contains period furnishings and portraits, William Diamond’s drum, and the British Major Pitcairn’s pistols. A barn behind the Hancock-Clarke House serves as the Society’s Fire Equipment Museum.


Closed for the 2019 regular season; open November 29 & 30 for special holiday hours

lt in 1737, this house was the parsonage for the town of Lexington during the 18th century. Visit the home of Reverend Jonas Clarke where patriot guests John Hancock and Samuel Adams were awakened by Paul Revere and his famous warning in the early hours of April 19, 1775