Harvard Limo and Car Service to Boston Logan Airport


Harvard MA




City Description

Located in Worcester County, the town of Harvard is situated right at the intersection of routes 2 and I495, 32 miles west of Boston. The town is surrounded by the towns of Ayer, Bolton, Boxborough, Lancaster, Littleton, Shirley, and Stow



5981 (2000)

27 square miles


$116 is how much you pay on a Sedan for up to 4 people and 4 luggage from Harvard to Boston Logan Airport. Gratuity excluded, everything else is included in the price. Please note that to pick at the airport we charge $10 more.

Estimated Duration

It takes between 50 to 55 minutes depending on which way you want to take like I495 North to 3 South, Route 2 East to I90 West or I495 South to I90 West, with no traffic. In heavy traffic it could take you as long 1 hour and 45 minutes. Allow enough time to make sure you get there with at least one hour before domestic flights and two hours before international.